Share!Click on any picture to open a full-size slide show September 16, 2015; A few of the journalists take a trip to Emory University to interview Steve Reba, the youth’s current lawyer, at the Emory Law School’s Barton Child Law and Policy Center. September 16, 2015; The Emory Clinic @ Emory University September 16, 2015; (from left to right) Claire Bohrer, Ann Ondieki, Fred Lewis, and Kevin Enners travel to the Emory Law School’s Barton Child Law and Policy Center to interview Steve Reba. September 16, 2015; Kevin Enners & Fred Lewis walk towards the Emory Law School’s Barton Child Law and Policy Center to interview Steve Reba. September 25, 2015; Although in-person interviews are preferred, phone interviews have been the initial way to get in contact with story prospects. September 30, 2015; Prior juvenile detention center operator, Pete Colbenson gives insight on the Juvenile Justice System and boot camps. Share!